
Graham & Fiona's Xmas Message - 2023

Graham & Fiona's Xmas Message - 2023   We hope this message finds you safe and well and you have managed to emerge from the crisis and get some relaxing family time and hopefully managed a vacation or two.   We wish you all a happy Xmas spent with your family and friends .  With our best wishes for a prosperous 2024 in what will still be challenging times. We looked forward to a year of post COVID with a certain excitement having exited 2022 with no major incidents and minimal impact to our family life.  A lot more going on internationally that is very upsetting, leaving us with a feeling of what on earth can we do about it. The first 4 months of the year sees pretty much all the family birthdays so the days are made up of celebrations and outings.  Devon reached the dizzy heights of 8 and Thea is now 4. We are both well and enjoying retirement which gives us plenty of time for family, hobbies and relaxation.  The grandchildren continue to grow and are now both at school!  Each